May 9
It’s broadcast day! Finally we reached the days when we are rewarded for all the long hours we have put into this project!
The final COWntdown…..
This is my favorite moment in life! Having the venue full of people and waiting for the first broadcast to start. People often ask if I’m nervous before a broadcast. Sometimes I am, but never before a Eurovision. We have rehearsed and rehearsed and I know that the crew will pull through.
But it’s not only what we do that makes this show special. We are gifted with the best audience in the world! And they add a wonderful layer to our broadcasts! Here is one of the fancier fans for Israel tonight!
And we had a full house of them!
The broadcast went by with very few glitches. The ones that happened was not noticed by any TV viewers for sure. When there is a problem, we adapt and move on.
And here are the winners! Welcome to the final!
Czech Republic
We’ll post some of our production photographer Ralph Larmann’s amazing pictures from the show tomorrow for sure!
There are no more favorite clips this year. We are too busy making new ones!
Huggy Huggy!