May 6

Yepp, you got it! Still no sponsor drinks in sight for the crew! But what the hell………. we’re only working 18 hours a day to make this show the best one EVER…… I’m sure it will start to work the second that the Russian delegation enters the house. Anyway, me and Henrik has figured out that they have drinks in the dressing room areas, so we just go there and get it, and I strongly recommend everyone with A2 accreditation or higher, to do the same. Henrik, from now renamed to the Swedish Sushi Whale is still giving me a hard time. Now he has started to announce that I’m in charge of the Gay Parade in the PA. One of these days his microphone will find its way to a place within Henriks anatomy where the sun NEVER shines!
Philip Kirkorov is in da house! Philip, one of the biggest rock stars ever, in this part of the world, has been involved in the Eurovision two times before, working with Belarus. This year he is here with Greece. I keep my fingers crossed for you buddy!

Props area is getting FULL!

Backstage as seen from props entrance, this is the way we get all the props on and off the stage. The change over is only 30 seconds, so the guys need to RUN!

A very Bad Boy……Nick is giving this one some TLC! It might have the Swine Flu!
Speaking of which……the rest of today will focus on friends, potatoes, Coke and the swine flu…..
For all you Irish People! Speaking of, do you know why the mother potato didn’t want her daughter to marry the famous newscaster?
Because he was a commontater………….


Even the bears are freaking out over this shit!

Actually, it’s more like Pepsi NYET!