May 16

After 7 weeks in Moscow, it was FINALLY time for the FINAL broadcast! I know……. Iceland didn’t win….. I SUCK at betting……. But WHO could resist Norway’s performance? Alexander has been a favorite all along, and he stood up to the pressure and delivered a splendid show last night that took him all the way to the top!
I’ll keep the update short today, due to SLOW internet at the hotel, or maybe it is InterNYET???
But…….let’s start in the wee hours of May 16, when I turned 27 again. After the second dress, we decided to go to Euroclub, with just a quick stop at the hotel…….. well……… that didn’t work, so we ended up spending the whole night at the hotel bar, again…………..
Henke, our Swedish Sushi Whale in a bizarre close up sponsored by Tuborg!

And since Al is from UK and I’m from Sweden, we technically shared a one hour birthday overlap from 2:00-3:00! Yeeeeeeehaaaaaaaaaaa!

We had SO much fun…….Then the loadout schedule came…. I can’t remember if I told you this before, but the truth is: what took 5 weeks to build, must come down in 52 hours. At 10:00 Tuesday morning, the venue MUST be empty, becuase then the next production moves in. We’ve been planning this load out for almost 3 weeks now………. IT WILL BE HELL!

MY BOSS! Ladies and Gentlemen! Let me introduce you to Mr Morten Carlsson, CEO of Procon Event Engineering. Here together with your favorite Swede, and one of my production assistants Olga Morr.
Do you recognize that microphone? You got it! I borrowed UK’s glitter mic

Norway performing their winning song! The crowd went ballistic!
I promise I’ll get back to you all with a full cover of last night tomorrow, keep your fingers crossed that the internet kicks back in!