MAY 13
MAY 13
We have another special report today on the video content for Eurovision. I sent my trusty production assistant Iveta out to talk to our pros and explain to all of you what makes this year so special. Over to you Iveta!

Projection for one of the largest TV events in the world catches renewed interest in high-level projection and introduces the main highlight in conjunction with the outstanding scenery. To project on uneven surface is the main challenge for this setup. 4 HD Hippotizer media servers send out custom created video content into the Barco Encore Presentation switcher, where signals are further split to the row of 13 of the world’s largest 40,000 Ansi lumens Barco projectors projecting on 56 m wide and 8 m tall relief wall reminding of one huge bat with widespread wings. It takes time to make a proper set-up for such a challenging size and shape. There are hours of alignment, warping and blending before we can see one amazing result.

The Bat-screen! This is during setup with most of the protective film peeled off.

2 of the Barco HDQ 40 projectors
Below you see the whole line up

There are also other groups of projectors for different tasks. Some of them are threaded like a normal light and are operated through the other Hippo media server from the lighting console. Projector rays influenced by an incoming video signal create nice arial effects for both camera and the audience. Projectors on the stage are mainly used for either projecting on different surfaces (stage, dresses, stage scenery such as a tree, etc.) or serve as a back keylight from the upstage top and bottom. The rest of the projectors are used to project on several screens scattered through the venue upper levels in order for the audience to see what’s happening on the stage through live broadcast output from OB truck.

Calibrating the screen

Home of the Encore and Hippotizers