MAY 11


MAY 11

Hi guys!

First of all, at 9pmCET (May 12) Semi-Final 2 will be broadcast. You can watch it here.

I’m afraid there won’t be any updates with pictures today due to way tooooooo much to do 🙁 Morning started early with a couple of technical tours, then I had to run out to the LLB trade show to do a Q&A session before rushing back to the venue and do Dress Rehearsal 3 for Semi Final 2. The second that was done, I had a walk around with the Justin Timberlake management to make sure that we are all on track for tomorrow morning’s closed rehearsal. I was done just in time to make it back into the front of the stage for the traditional crew photo, before I had to do three different interviews for this and that. I had 12 minutes to spend on dinner, and now I’m sitting at my position up at FOH, ready for yet another live broadcast for a couple of hundred million live viewers. AND I’M LOVING EVERY MINUTE OF IT!

Hopefully I’ll be able to do better with the diary tomorrow!

Big hugs from the Glitter Cave we call home.

Ola Mumsig.

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