New day, new adventures!
Today was all about meetings. First we had our regular production meeting at 10:30, then we continued the day with creative meetings, schedule meetings, cable cam meetings and last, but not least, a meeting with the guys who will do the opening of the final broadcas on May 16.
I will not tell you who they are, or what they do, but be sure:
So, why not build a NEW scaff in front of the old one, and make it TWICE as big!
Ok………DONE! And there will be 2 more! This is the scaff that we will rigg the 1070 sqm of Martin LC screen on, together with moving trusses with Bad Boys on. This was decided months ago, in order to move some of the huge load off the roof.
Yesterdays problem with the loads was a new one, but thanks to Michael and Mirko and all the other guys in the rigging team, it’s back on track, and we are now continuing full speed ahead!

Now, this is cable management!

And here he is! Klimper! Well…. his real name is Sven Jargstorf, but not any longer.
Now……. he is KLIMPOWICH!

Mirko Tauchert, Dana Cicin-Angul and Frank Karpinski hanging lights, lights,lights and some more lights…..
Here’s Max Kurzbein. I think he looks a lot like Ralf Streeckmann…….maybe they were twins separated at birth…..?

Isn’t this the coolest shot? Here is the center stage truss and the back followspot truss from a pretty neat angle.

Manuel Vogt hurt the wrong finger, and now he is flipping us off all the time, due to his bandaid.
At least, that is what he tells us………….

It’s Radio Guy! He gets to stay up all night reprogramming all our radios so we have enough channels and frequencies…yada yada yada (to quote Niclas Arvidsson at Wireless Solution)
But I think it works now!

Olaf Pöttcher was afraid he did something wrong when Joan said “Stop!” but she forgot to say “Smile!”

Olga Morr is in da house!
Olga is my other production assistant, and THANK God that I have two of them! She is fluent in both German and Russian, and that is, of course, is extremely helpful, since Joan can only translate for the Islanders (people from UK).

What can I say…………..Who should I blame………… Things just go wrong here sometimes………..