Hejsan Hejsan!
Here is another update from the Golf Ball full of dreams! Thank you so much for all the suggestions for a nickname for Oskar Johansson. I’m happy to announce that Krister Svartström is the winner. He said that if we already have a Grumpy and Angry in the crew, Oskar should be named Hairy. I brought this up at today’s technical production meeting, and we all agreed. Congrats Krister! Crew swag coming right up!
The day could not have started in a BETTER way! Lars Stokholm, who is managing all the transports for Litecom, decided that it was time for a real DANISH moment, since it was his last day at the venue during load in. Danes are great at many things, but baking might be what they do best! Better than anyone else in the world!
See how much happines a cake that contains just butter and sugar can create!
But happiest of them all was Leffe! Leif Andersson and I go WAY back. We opened one of the first crew rental companies in Sweden back in 1993. M&A Crew was the name of it. Still got some company t-shirts from those days 🙂
Those of you that followed us in 2013 might remember that it was all about building bridges back then. This year, it’s quite the opposite! We are knocking down walls instead.
There was no way to put the followspots in a bus stop, that we usually do, and there was a looooooooong debate about how to solve this problem. At one point, a couple of months ago, our beloved staff at the Globe Arena came up with the great idea of cutting out holes in the wall in the ventilation room above the VIP lounge. Viola, we had our six center spots in perfect position with the ideal 25° angle from lens to talent face on lead singer position. As you can see, we chose to use Lancelot followspots from Robert Juliat as front spots.
The lighting crew is keeping busy with getting all the stage trusses up in the air, so staging can come in on schedule.
The mothergrid is in position and there is a forest of chains coming down from the roof.
Some people are more professional than others, like our Cyberhoist team, that put up their desk for pre-programming right next to the smoking area.
Here are some of the 306 Sharpy’s we have in the rig.
First lights ON!
We also started to build the tall LED column in the very back of our set. We are using GLUX 10mm panels with a darkened diffuser in the entire set.We’re using a little over 600 sqm of this product in our set.
Melzig-Litecom hugging party in the production office.
We still manage to keep it quite nice and tidy on the venue floor.
And while we are doing that, these guys are climbing the outside of the Globe, making sure that it will be clean, nice and shiny in May!
I’m sure you always wondered how you get a sweet 80-year-old lady to say the F word?
Get another sweet little 80-year-old lady to yell *BINGO*!
Later gator!