Buna ziua musiclovers!

Since we are only in prep mode in the rehearsal hall at the moment, and things are not all that exciting, I thought this would be a great opportunity to present some more of our team members.

This is a monster to manage, with a constant time pressure from day one, so you need to build a big team with a lot of good people to pull this off in a good way, without dying trying.

Tobias Brodd is the Technical Director for openings and interval acts, dealing with green elephants, crazy goats, remote controlled monkies, fake ice, real moose, bubbles, troubles, and things that revolve. An apple a day keeps you healthy, wealthy and gay, so Tobias eats oranges.

Linda Adamsson, our editor, likes post it notes and bananas.

Samuel Andersson is Christer Björkman’s assistant, and manages, with a 99% accuracy, to have Christer at the right spot, at the right time, and often in the right city. Those few times he had failed, it was not his fault. Trust me.

Good luck getting Christer to that 9AM meeting tomorrow morning Samuel!

Annette Helenius is our production manager for openings and interval acts. We take turns driving her crazy. It’s a little bit the way we are, and the way we work.

But you do NOT want to upset this lovely lady! Carina Norderstål is heading our financial department. Mess with her, and walk away poor 🙂

Hanna Wilenius is not only assitant to Stuart Barlow, she is also his complete opposite, since she is HOT and he is NOT.

The lovely Åsa Paues is our head of press.

Jan-Erik Westman, or, Janke, is supporting Head of Press.

Just got back from Frankfurt after the fastest trade show visit ever, so time to go home and take a long, well deserved nap, and I’ll see you all tomorrow!

We are the M in Mojito!

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